Monday, December 15, 2008

Family Pictures 2008

We were finally able to get our family together and do family pictures. It's been 5 years since our last one and we have added 3 new people. We had a lot of fun doing these. The pictures were taken at my grandfather's barn behind my mom's home. The Family pictures area a gift from out kids for Christmas this year, great idea! Thanks kids and lots of love to you!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Not a lot going on at the moment, just working on getting Christmas done. We have had one family party and have a ward party and my work party to go yet. All decorations are up, put up new lights outside. The ones we have had for 16 years gave out on us. We did it nice and simple this year. We are getting some snow and we are expecting more this weekend. Andrew has already gone skiing up at Snow Basin on man made snow. Aaron and Andrew have the high school Snow Ball dance this Saturday that they are going to. Breckston is starting to walk now , only when he wants to though. He is such a character. We got to have him yesterday for awhile and it was so much fun. Just a good natured little guy, thinks it's a game when he is fighting over toys with other kids. He had us laughing pretty good.
We only have about 7 1/2 days until we are out for Chirsmas break can't wait. Really need a break to enjoy family and just hang out. We are having family pictures Friday, hope they turn out, it will be a first since before Tyler went on his mission like 5 years ago. Lots has changed.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Baby Due Date

Logan and Jenna went for their first doctor appt. Gave them the due date of June 22. Logan says the ultrasound of the baby looks like a gummy bear. They are very excited. Everything is going great for them, they are in the proses of trying to get a new home also.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Aaron and Andrew were asked to the high schools Halloween dance. This is how Aaron answered his date Abby. The boys jumped out of boxes when she answered the door. Andrew's date, Heather got off a little easier, he gave her deodorant that said "sure" (meaning he would go to the dance) They had fun! Marc and I were lucky enough to go and chaperon the dance so we got to keep track of the boys! They loved that! They were good kids!

What a messy little guy but he sure enjoyed his cake!

The Birthday Boy's Party!! He is so spoiled, but loved! Fun Fun party for a 1 year old. He won't need Christmas that is for sure! Breckston is almost walking taking a few steps, hopefully grandma and grandad's present will help out!

Little tigger's first Halloween! As you can see Breckston loved all the treats that he was given. Maybe a little to much.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

End of the Hunt

Well Hailey thought she would try hunting one last weekend, so Logan took her out on Saturday. They saw a huge deer, the biggest Logan has ever seen but it was acroos a road so they didn't shoot. Logan and Tyler took her out again and she was able to shoot at a 2 point, but she didn't hit it. With never been hunting before she was pretty nervous and had never shot a gun with a scope on it. She shot 5 times with Tyler yanking the gun from her and reloading as fast as he could. All in all they had a pretty fun time and the brothers enjoyed taking little sister out. Andrew was invited but he couldn't get out of bed that early to go. Hailey said she is excited for next year to go hunting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

1st Deer Hunt

Hailey and Andrew wanted to try out deer hunting this year, so big brother's and dad took them. Didn't see anything they could shoot but enjoyed the cold and the fresh air.

Deer Hunters

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Grandbaby #2 on the way!

Yep it's true grandbaby #2 is on the way thanks to Logan and Jenna!!! Baby is due around June 15th. Congratulations!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

August/September/October Update

Boy the time has gone by fast, lets get caught up. August brought lots of fun, Hailey turned 19 on the 21st. Most of us went back to school. Aaron and Andrew are Juniors now and Andrew has his licence. Aaron figures why the heck does he need his when Andrew can drive him around. We say thank you Aaron insurance won't be that bad with one driver to add for now. We have almost made it through the first quarter of school. Hailey went to work full time for a dentist and also goes 3 nights to college. She keeps pretty busy but does have a little social life. September brings us to two more birthdays, Tracy-17th and Tyler-18th, yes Tyler married and older woman by a few hours. They turned 25 this year. Tyler also returned to college and has about a year left. Tracy returned to work at the Junior High. Logan continues to work and is also going to school and will be done next year with his Electician school. Jenna continues to work at a dental office also. October is hunting season-therfore Tyler and Tracy took off for elk hunting and grandma got Breckston for a few days. Lots of fun and lots of playing, pooping, eating and sleeping. What a good boy he is and soooooooo much fun. Didn't want mom and dad to come home. Tyler and Tracy both got a deer. Hailey and Andrew also have deer tags so they think they are going hunting this weekend with big brothers. This should be interesting. Thats the latest for now.
Daisypath Next Aniversary Ticker

Friday, October 3, 2008

Camping 2008

Grandma and Breckston up camping and enjoying the outdoors. We were able to go camping for a few days with the family up to china-meadows camping area and do some fishing and relaxing. All were able to join us, so the whole family was there. We had good food and fishing and alot of rain but it was nice, ended up having a little bit of hail before we left. It was just nice to get away from everything.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

August Update

August 3, 2008

Can't believe it's August already, where has the summer gone. Haven't been to busy the last little while and wanted to wait for Marc to load some pictures for me. The last few weeks we have been doing a little swimming and just hanging out. Marc turned 51 on July 12th, boy is he getting old! Had a small family party for him. Marc and I celebrated our 20th anniversary on the 15th. Our kids surprised us with a over night stay in Salt Lake and dinner. We had a really nice time. Thanks kids we love and appreciate you all! We did go to Park City for a soccer tournament for Andrew. We ended up staying 2 nights and Andrew's team won their division. They played 4 games in all and ended up giving up only 4 points and scoring 23. It was pretty fun, we did some shopping for school and a lot of eating. We also enjoyed the cool air since it's been so hot at home. Hailey stayed home and did some bonding with "bob" ha ha. We are planning on going camping the first week in August with the family even though everyone will be coming up at different times, it will still be nice to be able to do something with the family all together. There should be a lot of fishing going on and a lot of cooking and relaxing unless you're on Breckston duty! He is crawling now and pulling himself up to everything, being a busy body. Still a happy boy, just waiting for him to get his first tooth. Can't believe he will be 9 months old pretty soon. He is sooooo fun and cute and of coarse spoiled. I guess I better get in some babysitting because I go back to work in about 3 weeks. Yep, that is all we have left for our summer vacation from school and work. Not looking forward to it but I guess I better get my projects finished up. I have quite a few things to do before I go back so I will be busy. Camping update will come soon!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Just getting the hang of it!

Well this is the first for the Hall family as I learn to "blog". The Hall family started 20 years ago on July 15, 1988. The family started out with Tyler, Logan, Hailey, Andrew, Aaron and bob #1 (we are on bob #3 now). Since that time the family has grown and changed and more have joined. Tyler married Tracy on July 27, 2005 and now are the proud parents of Breckston that is 8 months old and made Marc and I grandparents for the 1st time. Logan married Jenna on June 7, 2007. Hailey still lives at home and is working and attending school, Andrew and Aaron are on break from high school and will return next month as juniors. We are enjoying our summer and spending time together. The boys have been on a trip to Moab rafting and Aaron went to the Zions repelling. Both are working at this time and keeping busy with their friends and soon will be getting their drivers licence next month (Aug. 20th, so stay safe). Hailey is working at a dental office and taking a online coarse and will turn 19 next month. Marc is working hard and would like to go fishing more. I am at home trying to keep up with the house and doing some painting with alot more to do. I will return to work next month when the kids go back to school. I also enjoy babysitting my grandson Breckston when needed. Will update blog as soon as I learn more! Later